Ministry of Finance of Georgia, together with the National Bank of Georgia and the National Bureau of Statistics, is responsible for measurement and distribution of country’s economic and financial indicators. Georgia has been a member of Special Standards of data distribution of IMF since May 17, 2010.

Data produced by the Ministry of Finance and other producers of statistical data are posted on the webpage of Ministry of Finance of Georgia. Also, the webpage covers data analytics and medium-term macroeconomic projections produced by the Ministry of Finance.

The above-mentioned webpage combines sections about Macroeconomic Analysis, Tax Revenues, Medium-Term Projections and Publications.

Section of Macroeconomic Analysis covers statistical and analytical data on actual economic indicators of real, monetary, external and fiscal sectors. Existing data is available as presentations and excel sheets.

Section of Tax Revenues combines information on budget revenues of current and last several years. Plotted time-series of changes are also available.

The webpage represents country’s medium-term macroeconomic projections of real, fiscal, monetary and external sectors produced by the Ministry of Finance. Period of projections is 5 years. To view the projections, download the presentation – "Macroeconomic Development of Georgia".

The webpage offers a monthly economic outlook in the Publication section. Monthly brochure consists of Tax Revenue Analysis, review of current economic developments and analysis of economic activities within business fields. It also combines different articles on macroeconomic analysis and covers quick macroeconomic statistical data on Georgia and its Neighbors.

The webpage provides precise and comprehensive information to interested parties, updated on a regular basis.


Donor Organizations

Citizens Guide
2022 State Budget

Economic Review

Public Internal Financial Control

Council of Tax Appeals


Reports and Presentations

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