Georgia Maintains Top Position in the 2023 Open Budget Index

The result of consistent, correctly planned and implemented Public Finance Management Reforms in Georgia over recent years have been reaffirmed today through the Open Budget Survey. According to the Open Budget Index 2023 Georgia again ranks first among 125 countries in Budget Transparency.

The Open Budget Index also evaluates budget oversight and public participation, placing Georgia 5th out of 125 countries.

- Budget Transparency: 87 points (out of 100)
- Budget Oversight: 83 points (out of 100)
- Public Participation: 44 points (out of 100)

Compared to the 2021 survey, significant progress has been made in the area of Budget Oversight. The score has increased from 74 to 83 and in Budget Oversight Georgia improved ranking from 21st to 5th place.

Georgia has made remarkable success in advancing budget transparency. Since 2012, Georgia has transitioned from being a country with limited budget transparency to the group of countries with extensive transparency by 2017.

The International Budget Partnership is an only independent non-profit organization that, with the support of the non-governmental sector, conducts the open budget survey worldwide. The survey assesses three key areas: budget transparency, budget oversight and public participation. The Open Budget Survey is conducted every two years.


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