Mamuka Bakhtadze: Minister of finance will continue Georgian government’s four point reform plan.

On novermber 14, 2017, newly appointed minister of finance Mamuka Bakhtadze held a first working meeting with minister of finance deputy ministers.

Minister discussed existing condition and future plans of minister of finance and its dependant organizations.

Minister of finance Mamuka Bakhtadze said: Minister of finance will continue Georgian government’s four point reform plan.

“Ministery of Finance will continue its everyday work. Today is my first day at Ministry of Finance. We have set priorities, which should be done by the end of the year. I think, we have set emphasis on main priorities. As for the approaches, the main focus will be less bureaucracy and more efficiency. Ministry of finance will be one of the successful ministries.”  - Mamuka Bakhtadze. Minister of finance.

First vice prime minister, minister of economy Dimitry Kumsishvili met with minister of finance Mamuka Bakhtadze, they discussed ongoing reforms in ministry of finance. They also discussed relations with international organizations. Emphasis was made towards successful continuation of the International Monetary Funds ongoing program.


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