Order of the Minister of Finance of Georgia on the Adoption of Rules for Customs Control of Genetically Modified Organs for Food/Fodder and Products Derived from Such has been enacted.
Ministerial Order was drafted on the grounds of Article 11 of the Law of Georgia on Labeling of Genetically Modified Organs for Food/Fodder and Products Derived from Such. Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia developed a Government Resolution on the Adoption of Rules for Labeling Genetically Modified Organs for Food/Fodder and Products Derived from Such in line with the referred law.
In accordance with the Order issued by the Minister of Finance of Georgia, authorized officers of the Georgian Revenue Service are entitled to (a) verify the compliance with rules of labeling and (b) verify evidencing documents when customs clearing the imported genetically modified organs (as confirmed with documents submitted together with customs declarations) for food/fodder and products derived from such.
Compliance with rules on labeling is verified against the requirements of the Law of Georgia on Labeling Genetically Modified Organs for Food/Fodder and Products Derived from Such, along with Government Resolution on Adoption of Rules for Labeling the Genetically Modified Organs for Food/Fodder and Products Derived from Such.
If labeling is impossible due to the features of genetically modified organs and products derived from such, availability of evidencing documents shall be checked (compliance declaration, in which the producer confirms that imported products comply with the established requirements. If no requirements are set, accredited lab test protocols shall be submitted on the content of such genetically modified organs, genetically modified products or genetically modified ingredient(s)).
If and when the documents submitted with a customs declaration do not contain information on whether the imported goods contain genetically modified organs for food/fodder and products derived from such, a sample shall be taken for lab tests. Frequency of such cases shall be defined by ASYCUDA software by applying the risk management system. Goods intended for import shall be held at customs until the lab test results are obtained.
Violations of product labeling rules or lack of evidencing documents when labeling is impossible, shall lead to penalties levied from a business operator in the volume of 5000 (five thousand) GEL. Along with administrative charges, importers are given a deadline for a corrective action, which shall not exceed 30 days.
If the offence is not addressed within the indicated time, business operator will be fined with 10 000 (ten thousand) GEL. Repeated offense will lead to a further penalty of 10 000 (ten thousand) GEL.
In addition, Government Resolution N740 on Customs Control of Live Genetically Modified Organs Transacting the Sovereign Borders issued on December 29, 2013 was enacted on January 1, 2015. Rules regulating the customs clearance of live genetically modified organs covers any live goods crossing the sovereign borders of Georgia and any derivatives thereof that allow for the transmission or spread of genetic materials (apart from humans). Such goods are e.g. plant and seed materials, fruit and vegetables capable of replication: potato, beans, rice and others that may be genetically modified.
Order N198 issued by the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources was enacted on April 24, 2015 in accordance with Article 18 of the Law of Georgia on Live Genetically Modified Organs. The Ministerial Order endorses Types of Live Genetically Modified Organs Permitted to the Territory of Georgia.


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