N Auction Date Emission volume (GEL) Maturity (Days) Maturity Payment Date Initial/re-opening
1 03/01/2018 40,000,000.00 364 12 Months 03/01/2019 Initial emission
2 10/01/2018 20,000,000.00 182 6 Months 12/07/2018 Initial emission
3 10/01/2018 40,000,000.00 730 2 Years 11/01/2020 Initial emission
4 17/01/2018 25,000,000.00 3,652 10 Years 18/01/2028 Initial emission
5 24/01/2018 30,000,000.00 1,826 5 Years 25/01/2023 Initial emission
6 07/02/2018 40,000,000.00 364 12 Months 07/02/2019 Initial emission
7 14/02/2018 20,000,000.00 182 6 Months 16/08/2018 Initial emission
8 14/02/2018 40,000,000.00 695 2 Years 11/01/2020 Re-opening emission N3
9 21/02/2018 30,000,000.00 1,798 5 Years 25/01/2023 Re-opening emission N5
10 07/03/2018 40,000,000.00 363 12 Months 07/03/2019 Initial emission
11 14/03/2018 20,000,000.00 182 6 Months 13/09/2018 Initial emission
12 14/03/2018 40,000,000.00 667 2 Years 11/01/2020 Re-opening emission N3
13 21/03/2018 30,000,000.00 1,770 5 Years 25/01/2023 Re-opening emission N5
Maturity Emission volume (GEL)
6 Months 60,000,000
12 Months 120,000,000
2 Years 120,000,000
5 Years 90,000,000
10 Years 25,000,000
N Auction Date Emission volume (GEL) Maturity (Days) Maturity Payment Date Initial/re-opening
14 04/04/2018 40,000,000.00 364 12 Months 04/04/2019 Initial emission
15 11/04/2018 20,000,000.00 182 6 Months 11/10/2018 Initial emission
16 11/04/2018 40,000,000.00 639 2 Years 11/01/2020 Re-opening emission N3 GETC20111034
17 18/04/2018 25,000,000.00 3,561 10 Years 18/01/2028 Re-opening emission N4 GETC28118049
18 25/04/2018 30,000,000.00 1,735 5 Years 25/01/2023 Re-opening emission N5 GETC23125056
19 02/05/2018 40,000,000.00 364 12 Months 02/05/2019 Initial emission
20 08/05/2018 20,000,000.00 182 6 Months 08/11/2018 Initial emission
21 08/05/2018 40,000,000.00 611 2 Years 11/01/2020 Re-opening emission N3 GETC20111034
22 23/05/2018 30,000,000.00 1,707 5 Years 25/01/2023 Re-opening emission N5 GETC23125056
23 06/06/2018 40,000,000.00 364 12 Months 06/06/2019 Initial emission
24 13/06/2018 20,000,000.00 182 6 Months 13/12/2018 Initial emission
25 13/06/2018 40,000,000.00 576 2 Years 11/01/2020 Re-opening emission N3 GETC20111034
26 27/06/2018 30,000,000.00 1,672 5 Years 25/01/2023 Re-opening emission N5 GETC23125056
Maturity Emission volume (GEL)
6 Months 60,000,000
12 Months 120,000,000
2 Years 120,000,000
5 Years 90,000,000
10 Years 25,000,000
N Auction Date Emission volume (GEL) Maturity (Days) Maturity (Years) Payment Date Initial/re-opening
27 04/07/2018 40,000,000.00 364 12 month 04/07/2019 Initial Emission
28 11/07/2018 20,000,000.00 182 6 month 10/01/2019 Initial Emission
29 11/07/2018 40,000,000.00 731 2 year 12/07/2020 Initial Emission
30 18/07/2018 25,000,000.00 3,470 10 years 18/01/2028 Reopening of Emission N4 GETC28118049
31 25/07/2018 30,000,000.00 1,644 5 years 25/01/2023 Reopening of Emission N5 GETC23125056
32 01/08/2018 40,000,000.00 364 12 month 01/08/2019 Initial Emission
33 08/08/2018 20,000,000.00 182 6 month 07/02/2019 Initial Emission
34 08/08/2018 40,000,000.00 703 2 year 12/07/2020 Reopening of Emission N29 GETC20712294
35 22/08/2018 30,000,000.00 1,616 5 years 25/01/2023 Reopening of Emission N5 GETC23125056
36 05/09/2018 40,000,000.00 364 12 month 05/09/2019 Initial Emission
37 12/09/2018 20,000,000.00 182 6 month 14/03/2019 Initial Emission
38 12/09/2018 40,000,000.00 668 2 year 12/07/2020 Reopening of Emission N29 GETC20712294
39 26/09/2018 30,000,000.00 1,826 5 years 27/09/2023 Initial Emission
Maturity Emission volume (GEL)
6 Months 60,000,000
12 Months 120,000,000
2 Years 120,000,000
5 Years 90,000,000
10 Years 25,000,000
N Auction Date Emission volume (GEL) Maturity (Days) Maturity (Years) Payment Date Initial/re-opening
40 03/10/2018 40,000,000.00 364 12 month 03/10/2019 Initial Emission
41 10/10/2018 20,000,000.00 182 6 month 11/04/2019 Initial Emission
42 10/10/2018 40,000,000.00 640 2 year 12/07/2020 Re-opening of Emission N29 GETC20712294
43 17/10/2018 25,000,000.00 3,379 10 Years 18/01/2028 Re-opening of Emission N4 GETC28118049
44 24/10/2018 30,000,000.00 1,798 5 years 27/09/2023 Re-opening of Emission N39 GETC23927394
45 07/11/2018 40,000,000.00 364 12 month 07/11/2019 Initial Emission
46 14/11/2018 20,000,000.00 182 6 month 16/05/2019 Initial Emission
47 14/11/2018 40,000,000.00 605 2 year 12/07/2020 Re-opening of Emission N29 GETC20712294
48 28/11/2018 30,000,000.00 1,763 5 years 27/09/2023 Re-opening of Emission N39 GETC23927394
49 05/12/2018 40,000,000.00 364 12 month 05/12/2019 Initial Emission
50 12/12/2018 20,000,000.00 182 6 month 13/06/2019 Initial Emission
51 12/12/2018 40,000,000.00 577 2 year 12/07/2020 Re-opening of Emission N29 GETC20712294
52 26/12/2018 30,000,000.00 1,735 5 years 27/09/2023 Re-opening of Emission N39 GETC23927394
Maturity Emission volume (GEL)
6 Months 60,000,000
12 Months 120,000,000
2 Years 120,000,000
5 Years 90,000,000
10 Years 25,000,000

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