Maturity Date Emission volume (nominal) Maturity Auction date
4/1/2018 40,000,000.00 12 Months 4/1/2017
11/1/2018 20,000,000.00 6 Months 12/7/2017
15/1/2018 36,400,000.00 2 Years 13/1/2016
15/1/2018 40,000,000.00 2 Years 10/2/2016
18/1/2018 40,000,000.00 12 Months 18/1/2017
24/1/2018 10,000,000.00 5 Years 23/1/2013
24/1/2018 10,000,000.00 5 Years 20/3/2013
24/1/2018 10,000,000.00 5 Years 17/4/2013
24/1/2018 10,000,000.00 5 Years 19/6/2013
1/2/2018 40,000,000.00 12 Months 1/2/2017
8/2/2018 20,000,000.00 6 Months 9/8/2017
1/3/2018 50,000,000.00 12 Months 1/3/2017
12/3/2018 40,000,000.00 2 Years 9/3/2016
12/3/2018 20,000,000.00 2 Years 6/4/2016
12/3/2018 20,000,000.00 2 Years 11/5/2016
15/3/2018 20,000,000.00 6 Months 13/9/2017
5/4/2018 45,000,000.00 12 Months 5/4/2017
12/4/2018 20,000,000.00 6 Months 11/10/2017
3/5/2018 40,000,000.00 12 Months 3/5/2017
10/5/2018 20,000,000.00 6 Months 8/11/2017
7/6/2018 50,000,000.00 12 Months 7/6/2017
11/6/2018 20,000,000.00 2 Years 8/6/2016
11/6/2018 30,000,000.00 2 Years 6/7/2016
11/6/2018 30,000,000.00 2 Years 3/8/2016
11/6/2018 10,000,000.00 2 Years 7/9/2016
14/6/2018 20,000,000.00 6 Months 13/12/2017
21/6/2018 50,000,000.00 12 Months 21/6/2017
5/7/2018 50,000,000.00 12 Months 5/7/2017
12/7/2018 20,000,000.00 6 Months 10/1/2018
18/7/2018 10,000,000.00 5 Years 17/7/2013
18/7/2018 10,000,000.00 5 Years 18/9/2013
18/7/2018 10,000,000.00 5 Years 16/10/2013
18/7/2018 8,000,000.00 5 Years 18/12/2013
19/7/2018 50,000,000.00 12 Months 19/7/2017
2/8/2018 40,000,000.00 12 Months 2/8/2017
16/8/2018 20,000,000.00 6 Months 14/2/2018
6/9/2018 20,000,000.00 12 Months 6/9/2017
13/9/2018 20,000,000.00 6 Months 14/3/2018
4/10/2018 30,000,000.00 12 Months 4/10/2017
8/10/2018 33,000,000.00 2 Years 5/10/2016
8/10/2018 45,000,000.00 2 Years 2/11/2016
8/10/2018 30,000,000.00 2 Years 7/12/2016
11/10/2018 20,000,000.00 6 Months 11/4/2018
1/11/2018 20,000,000.00 12 Months 1/11/2017
8/11/2018 20,000,000.00 6 Months 8/5/2018
6/12/2018 20,000,000.00 12 Months 6/12/2017
13/12/2018 20,000,000.00 6 Months 13/6/2018

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