
(Thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
10,245,876.6 10,104,287.0
Treasury Securities 10,045,234.6 9,903,645.0
T-bills (Maturity less than a year) 367,004.9 390,000.0
T-bonds 9,678,229.8 9,513,645.0
Residual Maturity 0-1 years 1,436,671.4 1,450,983.0
Residual Maturity 1-3 years 4,373,533.0 4,278,860.0
Residual Maturity 3-5 years 1,097,532.0 1,096,474.0
Residual Maturity 5+ years 2,770,493.4 2,687,328.0
Other Securities 192,846.0 192,846.0
Bond For NBG 40,846.0 40,846.0
Bonds for Open Market Operation 152,000.0 152,000.0
Loans of Budgetary Organizations* 7,796.0 7,796.0
o.w Debt of state owned enterprises belonging to the general government sector 7,618.29 7,618.29
Note:Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined.

* According to the amendments to the Budget Code of Georgia, the existing debt of state owned enterprises belonging to the general government sector are taken into account in the amount of debt of budgetary organisations are considered from December 2022