As of 31-01-2009

(thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
782,846 782,846
Treasury Securities - -
6 Month T-bills - -
12 Month T-bills - -
2 Years T-bonds - -
5 Years T-bonds - -
10 Years T-bonds - -
Other Securities 782,846 782,846
Bond For NBG 688,846 688,846
Bonds for Open Market Operation 94,000 94,000
Note: Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined

As of 28-02-2009

(thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
782,846 782,846
Treasury Securities - -
6 Month T-bills - -
12 Month T-bills - -
2 Years T-bonds - -
5 Years T-bonds - -
10 Years T-bonds - -
Other Securities 782,846 782,846
Bond For NBG 688,846 688,846
Bonds for Open Market Operation 94,000 94,000
Note: Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined

As of 31-03-2009

(thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
774,846 774,846
Treasury Securities - -
6 Month T-bills - -
12 Month T-bills - -
2 Years T-bonds - -
5 Years T-bonds - -
10 Years T-bonds - -
Other Securities 774,846 774,846
Bond For NBG 640,846 640,846
Bonds for Open Market Operation 134,000 134,000
Note: Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined

As of 30-04-2009

(thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
774,846 774,846
Treasury Securities - -
6 Month T-bills - -
12 Month T-bills - -
2 Years T-bonds - -
5 Years T-bonds - -
10 Years T-bonds - -
Other Securities 774,846 774,846
Bond For NBG 640,846 640,846
Bonds for Open Market Operation 134,000 134,000
Note: Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined

As of 31-05-2009

(thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
774,846 774,846
Treasury Securities - -
6 Month T-bills - -
12 Month T-bills - -
2 Years T-bonds - -
5 Years T-bonds - -
10 Years T-bonds - -
Other Securities 774,846 774,846
Bond For NBG 640,846 640,846
Bonds for Open Market Operation 134,000 134,000
Note: Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined

As of 30-06-2009

(thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
764,846 764,846
Treasury Securities - -
6 Month T-bills - -
12 Month T-bills - -
2 Years T-bonds - -
5 Years T-bonds - -
10 Years T-bonds - -
Other Securities 764,846 764,846
Bond For NBG 640,846 640,846
Bonds for Open Market Operation 124,000 124,000
Note: Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined

As of 31-07-2009

(thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
764,846 764,846
Treasury Securities - -
6 Month T-bills - -
12 Month T-bills - -
2 Years T-bonds - -
5 Years T-bonds - -
10 Years T-bonds - -
Other Securities 764,846 764,846
Bond For NBG 640,846 640,846
Bonds for Open Market Operation 124,000 124,000
Note: Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined

As of 31-08-2009

(thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
784,269 784,846
Treasury Securities 19,423 20,000
6 Month T-bills 19,423 20,000
12 Month T-bills - -
2 Years T-bonds - -
5 Years T-bonds - -
10 Years T-bonds - -
Other Securities 764,846 764,846
Bond For NBG 640,846 640,846
Bonds for Open Market Operation 124,000 124,000
Note: Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined

As of 30-09-2009

(thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
820,491 822,846
Treasury Securities 67,645 70,000
6 Month T-bills 58,353 60,000
12 Month T-bills 9,292 10,000
2 Years T-bonds -
5 Years T-bonds - -
10 Years T-bonds - -
Other Securities 752,846 752,846
Bond For NBG 640,846 640,846
Bonds for Open Market Operation 112,000 112,000
Note: Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined

As of 31-10-2009

(thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
897,068 902,846
Treasury Securities 144,222 150,000
6 Month T-bills 107,139 110,000
12 Month T-bills 37,083 40,000
2 Years T-bonds -
5 Years T-bonds - -
10 Years T-bonds - -
Other Securities 752,846 752,846
Bond For NBG 640,846 640,846
Bonds for Open Market Operation 112,000 112,000
Note: Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined

As of 30-11-2009

(thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
954,624 962,846
Treasury Securities 201,778 210,000
6 Month T-bills 146,201 150,000
12 Month T-bills 55,577 60,000
2 Years T-bonds - -
5 Years T-bonds - -
10 Years T-bonds - -
Other Securities 752,846 752,846
Bond For NBG 640,846 640,846
Bonds for Open Market Operation 112,000 112,000
Note: Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined

As of 31-12-2009

(thousand GEL)

Domestic Government Debt Stock Outstanding Nominal Amount
1,007,353 1,017,846
Treasury Securities 259,507 270,000
6 Month T-bills 185,336 190,000
12 Month T-bills 74,171 80,000
2 Years T-bonds - -
5 Years T-bonds - -
10 Years T-bonds - -
Other Securities 747,846 747,846
Bond For NBG 640,846 640,846
Bonds for Open Market Operation 107,000 107,000
Note: Does not include liabilities given in Article 48 of the law of Georgia on Public Debt since the amounts of these liabilities are not defined

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