CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.01.2012 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 3 646 284 6 085 648
Multilateral Creditors 2 443 691 4 078 520
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 792 137 1 228 668 2 050 648
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 276 422 276 422 461 348
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 15 956 24 749 41 306
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 257 900 400 024 667 639
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 10 319 10 319 17 223
EUR 49 088 64 429 107 532
Asian Development Bank (ADB) USD 100 178 100 178 167 197
SDR 170 296 264 142 440 854
European Investment Bank (EIB) EUR 56 959 74 760 124 775
Bilateral Creditors 634 639 1 059 212
Azerbaijan USD 13 596 13 596 22 692
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 352
Turkey USD 25 989 25 989 43 376
Iran USD 10 617 10 617 17 720
Russia Federation USD 111 728 111 728 186 474
Armenia USD 16 120 16 120 26 905
Uzbekistan USD 332 332 554
Ukraine USD 303 303 506
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 355
China CNY 30 000 4 739 7 910
Germany (Kfw) EUR 201 610 264 618 441 647
Japan JPY 5 698 932 74 301 124 009
Kuwait KWD 6 960 25 163 41 996
Netherlands EUR 4 448 5 839 9 745
United States USD 33 740 33 740 56 312
France EUR 14 909 19 568 32 659
Bonds 564 750 942 568
EuroBonds USD 564 750 564 750 942 568
Guaranteed 3 204 5 348
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 441 3 204 5 348
External Debt of National Bank of Georgia 593 191 990 036
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 382 438 593 191 990 036
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 29.02.2012 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 3 667 861 6 101 853
Multilateral Creditors 2 463 220 4 097 813
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 792 016 1 232 393 2 050 209
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 276 422 276 422 459 855
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 15 854 24 669 41 040
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 257 900 401 298 667 599
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 10 319 10 319 17 167
EUR 52 163 70 080 116 585
Asian Development Bank (ADB) USD 100 178 100 178 166 656
SDR 174 380 271 338 451 399
European Investment Bank (EIB) EUR 56 959 76 523 127 304
Bilateral Creditors 636 611 1 059 066
Azerbaijan USD 13 357 13 357 22 221
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 351
Turkey USD 25 524 25 524 42 462
Iran USD 10 443 10 443 17 373
Russia Federation USD 110 095 110 095 183 154
Armenia USD 15 909 15 909 26 467
Uzbekistan USD 332 332 552
Ukraine USD 303 303 504
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 205
China CNY 30 000 4 763 7 923
Germany (Kfw) EUR 201 610 270 858 450 599
Japan JPY 5 698 932 70 839 117 848
Kuwait KWD 6 960 25 190 41 906
Netherlands EUR 4 444 5 970 9 931
United States USD 33 740 33 740 56 129
France EUR 15 857 21 303 35 440
Bonds 564 750 939 518
EuroBonds USD 564 750 564 750 939 518
Guaranteed 3 280 5 457
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 441 3 280 5 457
External Debt of National Bank of Georgia 592 902 986 352
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 381 038 592 902 986 352
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.03.2012 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 3 660 012 6 075 620
Multilateral Creditors 2 457 193 4 078 941
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 790 382 1 224 372 2 032 458
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 277 890 277 890 461 297
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 15 854 24 560 40 769
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 257 900 399 510 663 187
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 10 319 10 319 17 130
EUR 53 300 71 118 118 055
Asian Development Bank (ADB) USD 100 178 100 178 166 295
SDR 176 392 273 247 453 591
European Investment Bank (EIB) EUR 56 959 76 000 126 159
Bilateral Creditors 634 811 1 053 786
Azerbaijan USD 13 357 13 357 22 173
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 350
Turkey USD 25 524 25 524 42 370
Iran USD 10 443 10 443 17 335
Russia Federation USD 110 095 110 095 182 757
Armenia USD 15 909 15 909 26 410
Uzbekistan USD 332 332 551
Ukraine USD 303 303 503
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 105
China CNY 30 000 4 763 7 907
Germany (Kfw) EUR 202 296 269 920 448 067
Japan JPY 5 762 562 70 199 116 531
Kuwait KWD 6 960 25 154 41 755
Netherlands EUR 4 444 5 929 9 842
United States USD 33 740 33 740 56 008
France EUR 15 857 21 158 35 122
Bonds 564 750 937 485
EuroBonds USD 564 750 564 750 937 485
Guaranteed 3 258 5 408
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 441 3 258 5 408
External Debt of National Bank of Georgia 558 950 927 858
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 360 825 558 950 927 858
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.04.2012 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 3 680 039 5 986 687
Multilateral Creditors 2 467 505 4 014 137
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 790 431 1 225 603 1 993 811
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 282 445 282 445 459 482
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 15 854 24 583 39 991
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 257 900 399 887 650 536
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 10 319 10 319 16 787
EUR 55 960 74 068 120 493
Asian Development Bank (ADB) USD 100 000 100 000 162 680
SDR 177 492 275 210 447 711
European Investment Bank (EIB) EUR 56 959 75 390 122 645
Bilateral Creditors 644 553 1 048 558
Azerbaijan USD 13 357 13 357 21 729
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 343
Turkey USD 25 524 25 524 41 523
Iran USD 10 443 10 443 16 988
Russia Federation USD 110 095 110 095 179 102
Armenia USD 15 909 15 909 25 882
Uzbekistan USD 332 332 540
Ukraine USD 303 303 493
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 45 183
China CNY 30 000 4 755 7 735
Germany (Kfw) EUR 204 724 270 969 440 812
Japan JPY 5 762 562 71 444 116 225
Kuwait KWD 6 960 25 163 40 934
Netherlands EUR 4 444 5 881 9 568
United States USD 33 740 33 740 54 888
France EUR 21 648 28 653 46 613
Bonds 564 750 918 735
EuroBonds USD 564 750 564 750 918 735
Guaranteed 3 231 5 257
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 441 3 231 5 257
External Debt of National Bank of Georgia 555 136 903 095
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 358 025 555 136 903 095
Note:Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.05.2012 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 3 633 728 5 907 715
Multilateral Creditors 2 430 988 3 952 301
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 789 689 1 192 635 1 938 987
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 304 558 304 558 495 150
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 15 782 23 835 38 751
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 257 900 389 496 633 243
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 7 739 7 739 12 583
EUR 57 060 70 930 115 317
Asian Development Bank (ADB) USD 100 000 100 000 162 580
SDR 179 433 270 990 440 575
European Investment Bank (EIB) EUR 56 959 70 805 115 115
Bilateral Creditors 634 954 1 032 309
Azerbaijan USD 13 357 13 357 21 716
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 343
Turkey USD 25 524 25 524 41 497
Iran USD 10 443 10 443 16 978
Russia Federation USD 110 095 110 095 178 992
Armenia USD 15 909 15 909 25 866
Uzbekistan USD 332 332 540
Ukraine USD 303 303 493
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 45 155
China CNY 30 000 4 719 7 672
Germany (Kfw) EUR 204 824 254 612 413 948
Japan JPY 5 807 235 73 464 119 437
Kuwait KWD 6 960 24 821 40 355
Netherlands EUR 4 444 5 524 8 980
United States USD 33 740 33 740 54 854
France EUR 27 453 34 126 55 483
Bonds 564 750 918 171
EuroBonds USD 564 750 564 750 918 171
Guaranteed 3 035 4 934
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 441 3 035 4 934
External Debt of National Bank of Georgia 540 711 879 088
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 358 025 540 711 879 088
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.06.2012 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 3 677 246 6 049 438
Multilateral Creditors 2 465 842 4 056 557
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 787 827 1 195 567 1 966 827
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 322 448 322 448 530 459
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 15 782 23 950 39 401
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 257 900 391 376 643 853
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 7 739 7 739 12 732
EUR 61 241 77 073 126 793
Asian Development Bank (ADB) USD 100 000 100 000 164 510
SDR 181 875 276 004 454 054
European Investment Bank (EIB) EUR 56 959 71 685 117 929
Bilateral Creditors 643 655 1 058 877
Azerbaijan USD 13 286 13 286 21 857
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 347
Turkey USD 25 399 25 399 41 784
Iran USD 10 373 10 373 17 064
Russia Federation USD 109 113 109 113 179 502
Armenia USD 15 738 15 738 25 890
Uzbekistan USD 323 323 532
Ukraine USD 295 295 486
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 45 691
China CNY 30 000 4 722 7 768
Germany (Kfw) EUR 203 773 256 455 421 893
Japan JPY 6 579 966 82 787 136 192
Kuwait KWD 6 804 24 276 39 936
Netherlands EUR 3 697 4 652 7 654
United States USD 33 701 33 701 55 442
France EUR 27 453 34 550 56 839
Bonds 564 750 929 070
EuroBonds USD 564 750 564 750 929 070
Guaranteed 2 999 4 933
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 383 2 999 4 933
External Debt of National Bank of Georgia 486 583 800 478
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 320 638 486 583 800 478
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.07.2012 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 3 693 882 6 128 889
Multilateral Creditors 2 466 950 4 093 163
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 788 188 1 188 847 1 972 535
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 331 317 331 317 549 722
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 15 782 23 805 39 497
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 257 900 388 998 645 426
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 7 739 7 739 12 841
EUR 64 083 78 636 130 473
Asian Development Bank (ADB) USD 100 000 100 000 165 920
SDR 184 118 277 711 460 779
European Investment Bank (EIB) EUR 56 959 69 895 115 969
Bilateral Creditors 659 258 1 093 842
Azerbaijan USD 13 286 13 286 22 045
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 350
Turkey USD 25 399 25 399 42 142
Iran USD 10 373 10 373 17 210
Russia Federation USD 109 113 109 113 181 041
Armenia USD 15 738 15 738 26 112
Uzbekistan USD 323 323 536
Ukraine USD 295 295 490
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 083
China CNY 30 000 4 703 7 803
Germany (Kfw) EUR 222 503 273 034 453 018
Japan JPY 6 497 830 83 103 137 884
Kuwait KWD 6 804 24 155 40 078
Netherlands EUR 3 697 4 536 7 526
United States USD 33 701 33 701 55 917
France EUR 27 311 33 514 55 606
Bonds 564 750 937 033
EuroBonds USD 564 750 564 750 937 033
Guaranteed 2 924 4 851
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 383 2 924 4 851
External Debt of National Bank of Georgia 478 122 793 300
International Monetary Fund (IMF SDR 316 988 478 122 793 300
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.08.2012 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 3,809,874 6,326,676
Multilateral Creditors 2,568,050 4,264,503
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 836,036 1,272,456 2,113,040
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 335,412 335,412 556,985
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 15,681 23,866 39,632
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 257,900 392,526 651,829
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 7,739 7,739 12,852
EUR 65,049 81,580 135,472
Asian Development Bank (ADB) USD 100,000 100,000 166,060
SDR 185,962 283,036 470,009
European Investment Bank (EIB) EUR 56,959 71,434 118,624
Bilateral Creditors 674,086 1,119,387
Austria EUR 6,558 8,225 13,658
Azerbaijan USD 13,035 13,035 21,646
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 351
Turkey USD 24,909 24,909 41,365
Iran USD 10,189 10,189 16,920
Russia Federation USD 107,395 107,395 178,340
Armenia USD 15,516 15,516 25,766
Uzbekistan USD 323 323 537
Ukraine USD 295 295 490
Kazakhstan USD 27,774 27,774 46,122
China CNY 30,000 4,725 7,846
Germany (Kfw) EUR 223,250 279,984 464,942
Japan JPY 6,665,923 84,775 140,778
Kuwait KWD 6,804 24,146 40,097
Netherlands EUR 3,691 4,630 7,688
United States USD 33,701 33,701 55,965
France EUR 27,311 34,252 56,879
Bonds 564,750 937,824
EuroBonds USD 564,750 564,750 937,824
Guaranteed 2,988 4,962
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2,383 2,988 4,962
External Debt of National Bank of Georgia 480,327 797,632
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 315,588 480,327 797,632
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.09.2012 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 3,914,290 6,494,982
Multilateral Creditors 2,636,133 4,374,136
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 842,095 1,298,671 2,154,884
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 340,720 340,720 565,357
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 15,896 24,515 40,678
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 257,900 397,731 659,955
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 7,739 7,739 12,842
EUR 67,144 86,843 144,099
Asian Development Bank (ADB) USD 100,000 100,000 165,930
SDR 188,448 290,622 482,230
European Investment Bank (EIB) EUR 69,037 89,291 148,161
Bilateral Creditors 710,326 1,178,643
Austria EUR 6,558 8,482 14,074
Azerbaijan USD 13,035 13,035 21,629
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 350
Turkey USD 24,909 24,909 41,332
Iran USD 10,189 10,189 16,907
Russia Federation USD 107,395 107,395 178,200
Armenia USD 15,516 15,516 25,746
Uzbekistan USD 323 323 536
Ukraine USD 295 295 490
Kazakhstan USD 27,774 27,774 46,085
China CNY 30,000 4,774 7,921
Germany (Kfw) EUR 241,416 312,243 518,104
Japan JPY 6,762,014 87,096 144,518
Kuwait KWD 6,804 24,284 40,295
Netherlands EUR 3,691 4,774 7,922
United States USD 33,701 33,701 55,921
France EUR 27,311 35,324 58,613
Bonds 564,750 937,090
EuroBonds USD 564,750 564,750 937,090
Guaranteed 3,082 5,113
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2,383 3,082 5,113
External Debt of National Bank of Georgia 429,037 711,902
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 278,200 429,037 711,902
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.10.2012 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 3,948,848 6,557,851
Multilateral Creditors 2,665,901 4,427,262
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 843,915 1,300,110 2,159,093
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 349,202 349,202 579,919
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 16,042 24,714 41,042
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 257,900 397,313 659,818
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 7,739 7,739 12,853
EUR 70,164 90,875 150,915
Asian Development Bank (ADB) USD 106,400 106,400 176,698
SDR 192,297 296,247 491,978
European Investment Bank(EIB) EUR 72,037 93,301 154,945
Bilateral Creditors 715,111 1,187,585
Austria EUR 6,558 8,494 14,106
Azerbaijan USD 13,035 13,035 21,647
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 351
Turkey USD 24,909 24,909 41,367
Iran USD 10,189 10,189 16,921
Russia Federation USD 107,395 107,395 178,350
Armenia USD 15,516 15,516 25,767
Uzbekistan USD 323 323 537
Ukraine USD 295 295 490
Kazakhstan USD 27,774 27,774 46,124
China CNY 30,000 4,808 7,984
Germany (Kfw) EUR 241,416 312,677 519,263
Japan JPY 6,998,808 88,080 146,275
Kuwait KWD 6,804 24,232 40,243
Netherlands EUR 3,691 4,781 7,940
United States USD 32,943 32,943 54,709
France EUR 30,457 39,447 65,510
Bonds 564,750 937,880
Eurobonds USD 564,750 564,750 937,880
Guaranteed 3,086 5,125
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2,383 3,086 5,125
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 424,273 704,590
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 275,400 424,273 704,590
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.11.2012 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 3,941,017 6,528,294
Multilateral Creditors 2,658,159 4,403,241
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 843,369 1,294,412 2,144,193
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 349,657 349,657 579,207
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 15,913 24,424 40,458
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 257,900 395,827 655,688
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 5,159 5,159 8,547
EUR 71,258 92,556 153,318
Asian Development Bank (ADB) USD 106,400 106,400 176,252
SDR 192,959 296,156 490,583
European Investment Bank(EIB) EUR 72,037 93,568 154,995
Bilateral Creditors 715,013 1,184,418
Austria EUR 6,558 8,518 14,110
Azerbaijan USD 13,035 13,035 21,592
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 350
Turkey USD 24,909 24,909 41,262
Iran USD 10,189 10,189 16,878
Russia Federation USD 107,395 107,395 177,899
Armenia USD 15,516 15,516 25,702
Uzbekistan USD 323 323 536
Ukraine USD 295 295 489
Kazakhstan USD 27,774 27,774 46,008
China CNY 30,000 4,825 7,992
Germany (Kfw) EUR 241,638 313,859 519,907
Japan JPY 7,182,386 87,450 144,862
Kuwait KWD 6,804 24,181 40,055
Netherlands EUR 3,691 4,795 7,943
United States USD 32,178 32,178 53,302
France EUR 30,457 39,560 65,531
Bonds 564,750 935,508
Eurobonds USD 564,750 564,750 935,508
Guaranteed 3,095 5,126
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2,383 3,095 5,126
External Debt of National Bank of Georgia 422,687 700,180
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 275,400 422,687 700,180
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.12.2012 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 3,997,301 6,622,328
Multilateral Creditors 2,690,506 4,457,361
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 841,426 1,293,205 2,142,453
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 349,657 349,657 579,277
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 15,913 24,457 40,518
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 249,988 384,211 636,522
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 5,159 5,159 8,548
EUR 71,821 94,616 156,750
Asian Development Bank (ADB) USD 106,400 106,400 176,273
SDR 206,998 318,139 527,061
European Investment Bank(EIB) EUR 87,037 114,661 189,959
Bilateral Creditors 738,984 1,224,275
Austria EUR 6,558 8,639 14,313
Azerbaijan USD 12,959 12,959 21,469
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 350
Turkey USD 24,775 24,775 41,045
Iran USD 10,114 10,114 16,756
Russia Federation USD 106,341 106,341 176,176
Armenia USD 15,332 15,332 25,400
Uzbekistan USD 314 314 520
Ukraine USD 287 287 475
Kazakhstan USD 27,774 27,774 46,013
China CNY 30,000 4,814 7,976
Germany (Kfw) EUR 251,500 331,321 548,899
Japan JPY 7,315,090 84,843 140,559
Kuwait KWD 6,649 23,620 39,131
Netherlands EUR 2,942 3,876 6,421
United States USD 32,139 32,139 53,245
France EUR 39,188 51,625 85,528
Bonds 564,750 935,621
Eurobonds USD 564,750 564,750 935,621
Guaranteed 3,061 5,072
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2,324 3,061 5,072
External Debt of National Bank of Georgia 359,793 596,069
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 234,100 359,793 596,069
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date

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