CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.12.2003(thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1,564,315 3,245,954
Multilateral Creditors 707,799 1,468,682
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 394,728 586,554 1,217,099
European Community(EC) EUR 92,000 114,923 238,465
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 4,255 6,322 13,119
Bilateral Creditors 761,039 1,579,155
Austria EUR 78,197 97,681 202,687
Azerbaijan USD 16,190 16,190 33,593
Turkmenistan USD 253,569 253,569 526,156
Turkey USD 54,338 54,338 112,751
Iran USD 12,826 12,826 26,614
Russia Federation USD 156,858 156,858 325,481
Armenia USD 19,593 19,593 40,655
Uzbekistan USD 802 802 1,663
Ukraine USD 549 549 1,139
Kazakhstan USD 27,774 27,774 57,631
China CHF 3,821 3,060 6,350
Germany (Kfw) EUR 23,263 29,059 60,297
Japan JPY 3,839,960 35,919 74,532
Kuwait KWD 3,890 13,202 27,393
United States USD 39,620 39,620 82,211
Guaranteed 95,478 198,116
Germany (Kfw) EUR 45,760 57,162 118,611
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 38,316 38,316 79,505
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 288,668 598,987
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 194,263 288,668 598,987
Note:Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date

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