CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.01.2009 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 2 173 288 3 622 872
Multilateral Creditors 1 145 972 1 910 335
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 634 692 959 166 1 598 930
European Community (EC) EUR 57 500 74 174 123 648
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 8 935 13 503 22 510
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 25 020 25 020 41 709
EUR 2 530 3 264 5 441
Asian Development Bank (ADB) SDR 46 879 70 845 118 099
Bilateral Creditors 517 672 862 960
Austria EUR 984 1 269 2 115
Azerbaijan USD 14 387 14 387 23 983
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 352
Turkey USD 41 770 41 770 69 630
Iran USD 11 280 11 280 18 803
Russia Federation USD 119 433 119 433 199 094
Armenia USD 17 323 17 323 28 877
Uzbekistan USD 373 373 621
Ukraine USD 340 340 567
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 299
China CNY 30 000 4 386 7 312
Germany (Kfw) EUR 123 006 158 675 264 512
Japan JPY 5 201 779 58 260 97 119
Kuwait KWD 3 590 12 414 20 694
Netherlands EUR 8 889 11 467 19 115
United States USD 38 311 38 311 63 865
Bonds 500 000 833 500
EuroBonds USD 500 000 500 000 833 500
Guaranteed 9 644 16077
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 794 3 604 6 009
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 6 040 6 040 10 069
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 446 735 744 707
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 295 610 446 735 744 707
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 28.02.2009 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 2 143 842 3 610 230
Multilateral Creditors 1 127 613 1 898 900
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 639 695 944 247 1 590 112
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 72 756 122 521
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 8 936 13 191 22 213
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 25 020 25 020 42 134
EUR 2 530 3 201 5 391
Asian Development Bank (ADB) SDR 46 879 69 198 116 529
Bilateral Creditors 507 764 855 075
Austria EUR 984 1 245 2 096
Azerbaijan USD 14 387 14 387 24 228
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 355
Turkey USD 38 910 38 910 65 524
Iran USD 11 280 11 280 18 995
Russia Federation USD 119 433 119 433 201 124
Armenia USD 17 323 17 323 29 171
Uzbekistan USD 373 373 628
Ukraine USD 340 340 573
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 771
China CNY 30 000 4 386 7 387
Germany (Kfw) EUR 124 124 157 057 264 483
Japan JPY 5 201 779 53 214 89 613
Kuwait KWD 3 590 12 274 20 669
Netherlands EUR 8 889 11 248 18 941
United States USD 38 311 38 311 64 516
Bonds 500 000 842 000
EuroBonds USD 500 000 500 000 842 000
Guaranteed 8 465 14 256
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 794 3 536 5 954
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 4 930 4 930 8 302
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 431 432 726 531
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 292 280 431 432 726 531
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.03.2009 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 2 188 219 3 654 326
Multilateral Creditors 1 159 590 1 936 515
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 647 464 968 335 1 617 119
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 75 866 126 695
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 8 936 13 365 22 319
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 25 020 25 020 41 784
EUR 2 530 3 338 5 575
Asian Development Bank (ADB) SDR 49 256 73 667 123 023
Bilateral Creditors 520 013 868 421
Austria EUR 984 1 298 2 168
Azerbaijan USD 14 387 14 387 24 026
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 352
Turkey USD 38 910 38 910 64 980
Iran USD 11 280 11 280 18 837
Russia Federation USD 119 433 119 433 199 452
Armenia USD 17 323 17 323 28 929
Uzbekistan USD 373 373 622
Ukraine USD 340 340 568
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 383
China CNY 30 000 4 388 7 328
Germany (Kfw) EUR 126 435 166 818 278 586
Japan JPY 5 201 779 54 046 90 258
Kuwait KWD 3 604 12 372 20 662
Netherlands EUR 8 889 11 728 19 586
United States USD 38 311 38 311 63 980
France EUR 774 1 021 1 704
Bonds 500 000 835 000
EuroBonds USD 500 000 500 000 835 000
Guaranteed 8 616 14 389
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 794 3 687 6 157
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 4 930 4 930 8 233
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 624 524 1 042 956
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 417 580 624 524 1 042 956
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.04.2009 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 2 183 861 3 603 589
Multilateral Creditors 1 155 518 1 906 720
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 648 322 964 769 1 591 965
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 75 798 125 074
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 8 936 13 298 21 943
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 25 020 25 020 41 286
EUR 2 530 3 335 5 503
Asian Development Bank (ADB) SDR 49 256 73 298 120 949
Bilateral Creditors 519 730 857 606
Austria EUR 984 1 297 2 140
Azerbaijan USD 14 387 14 387 23 740
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 348
Turkey USD 38 910 38 910 64 205
Iran USD 11 280 11 280 18 613
Russia Federation USD 119 433 119 433 197 076
Armenia USD 17 323 17 323 28 584
Uzbekistan USD 373 373 615
Ukraine USD 340 340 562
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 45 830
China CNY 30 000 4 396 7 253
Germany (Kfw) EUR 126 494 166 747 275 150
Japan JPY 5 201 779 53 838 88 839
Kuwait KWD 3 604 12 373 20 417
Netherlands EUR 8 889 11 718 19 336
United States USD 38 311 38 311 63 217
France EUR 774 1 020 1 683
Bonds 500 000 825 050
EuroBonds USD 500 000 500 000 825 050
Guaranteed 8 613 14 213
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 794 3 683 6 078
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 4 930 4 930 8 135
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 621 401 1 025 373
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 417 580 621 401 1 025 373
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.05.2009 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 2 263 009 3 722 650
Multilateral Creditors 1 217 482 2 002 757
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 649 024 1 004 722 1 652 768
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 15 175 15 175 24 963
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 81 080 133 377
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 8 864 13 722 22 573
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 22 963 22 963 37 775
EUR 2 530 3 568 5 869
Asian Development Bank (ADB) SDR 49 256 76 251 125 433
Bilateral Creditors 537 407 884 035
Austria EUR 984 1 387 2 282
Azerbaijan USD 14 387 14 387 23 667
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 347
Turkey USD 38 910 38 910 64 007
Iran USD 11 280 11 280 18 555
Russia Federation USD 119 433 119 433 196 467
Armenia USD 17 323 17 323 28 496
Uzbekistan USD 373 373 613
Ukraine USD 340 340 560
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 45 688
China CNY 30 000 4 394 7 228
Germany (Kfw) EUR 128 363 181 004 297 751
Japan JPY 5 201 779 54 307 89 334
Kuwait KWD 3 604 12 549 20 643
Netherlands EUR 8 889 12 535 20 619
United States USD 38 311 38 311 63 022
France EUR 2 051 2 891 4 756
Bonds 500 000 822 500
EuroBonds USD 500 000 500 000 822 500
Guaranteed 8 120 13 358
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 794 3 940 6 481
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 4 180 4 180 6 876
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 645 041 1 061 093
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 416 680 645 041 1 061 093
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.06.2009 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 2 278 189 3 777 009
Multilateral Creditors 1 231 806 2 042 211
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 654 766 1 016 347 1 685 002
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 17 679 17 679 29 310
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 80 786 133 935
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 9 009 13 984 23 184
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 22 963 22 963 38 071
EUR 2 555 3 590 5 951
Asian Development Bank (ADB) SDR 49 256 76 457 126 758
Bilateral Creditors 538 360 892 547
Austria EUR 836 1 175 1 948
Azerbaijan USD 14 343 14 343 23 779
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 350
Turkey USD 38 832 38 832 64 380
Iran USD 11 236 11 236 18 628
Russia Federation USD 118 823 118 823 196 997
Armenia USD 17 216 17 216 28 542
Uzbekistan USD 367 367 609
Ukraine USD 335 335 556
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 047
China CNY 30 000 4 390 7 279
Germany (Kfw) EUR 129 395 181 795 301 399
Japan JPY 5 201 779 54 515 90 380
Kuwait KWD 3 448 12 015 19 919
Netherlands EUR 8 156 11 459 18 998
United States USD 38 311 38 311 63 516
France EUR 3 959 5 562 9 221
Bonds 500 000 828 950
EuroBonds USD 500 000 500 000 828 950
Guaranteed 8 023 13 302
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 735 3 843 6 372
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 4 180 4 180 6 930
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 646 783 1 072 302
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 416 680 646 783 1 072 302
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.07.2009 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 2 430 608 4 070 296
Multilateral Creditors 1 383 974 2 317 604
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 717 645 1 114 740 1 866 744
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 18 719 18 719 31 347
European Community(EC) EUR 35 500 49 956 83 656
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 9 009 13 994 23 434
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 22 963 22 963 38 454
EUR 3 613 5 084 8 514
Asian Development Bank (ADB) SDR 102 051 158 519 265 455
Bilateral Creditors 538 604 901 947
Austria EUR 836 1 177 1 971
Azerbaijan USD 14 343 14 343 24 019
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 353
Turkey USD 38 832 38 832 65 028
Iran USD 11 236 11 236 18 816
Russia Federation USD 118 823 118 823 198 981
Armenia USD 17 216 17 216 28 830
Uzbekistan USD 367 367 615
Ukraine USD 335 335 562
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 510
China CNY 30 000 4 391 7 353
Germany (Kfw) EUR 130 076 183 044 306 525
Japan JPY 5 071 851 53 305 89 265
Kuwait KWD 3 448 11 994 20 085
Netherlands EUR 8 156 11 477 19 220
United States USD 38 311 38 311 64 156
France EUR 4 099 5 767 9 658
Bonds 500 000 837 300
EuroBonds USD 500 000 500 000 837 300
Guaranteed 8 029 13 446
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 735 3 849 6 446
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 4 180 4 180 7 000
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 642 349 1 075 677
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 413 530 642 349 1 075 677
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.08.2009 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 2 458 980 4 145 348
Multilateral Creditors 1 408 399 2 374 279
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 724 469 1 134 561 1 912 644
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 18 719 18 719 31 557
European Community(EC) EUR 35 500 50 611 85 321
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 9 459 14 813 24 971
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 22 963 22 963 38 711
EUR 3 613 5 151 8 683
Asian Development Bank (ADB) SDR 103 176 161 580 272 392
Bilateral Creditors 543 611 916 419
Austria EUR 836 1 192 2 010
Azerbaijan USD 14 343 14 343 24 180
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 356
Turkey USD 35 972 35 972 60 642
Iran USD 11 236 11 236 18 942
Russia Federation USD 118 823 118 823 200 312
Armenia USD 17 216 17 216 29 023
Uzbekistan USD 367 367 619
Ukraine USD 335 335 565
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 821
China CNY 30 000 4 391 7 403
Germany (Kfw) EUR 132 198 188 471 317 725
Japan JPY 5 071 851 54 167 91 315
Kuwait KWD 3 832 13 328 22 469
Netherlands EUR 8 156 11 628 19 602
United States USD 38 311 38 311 64 585
France EUR 4 099 5 843 9 850
Bonds 500 000 842 900
EuroBonds USD 500 000 500 000 842 900
Guaranteed 6 970 11 750
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 735 3 900 6 574
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 3 070 3 070 5 175
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 642 398 1 082 954
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 410 200 642 398 1 082 954
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.09.2009 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 2 603 437 4 366 224
Multilateral Creditors 1 542 760 2 587 362
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 725 877 1 150 061 1 928 768
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 29 792 29 792 49 964
European Community(EC) EUR 35 500 51 659 86 638
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 9 459 14 986 25 133
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 63 300 100 291 168 198
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 23 038 23 038 38 637
EUR 3 881 5 648 9 472
Asian Development Bank (ADB) SDR 105 584 167 285 280 553
Bilateral Creditors 553 627 928 487
Austria EUR 836 1 217 2 041
Azerbaijan USD 14 343 14 343 24 055
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 354
Turkey USD 35 972 35 972 60 329
Iran USD 11 236 11 236 18 844
Russia Federation USD 118 823 118 823 199 278
Armenia USD 17 216 17 216 28 873
Uzbekistan USD 367 367 616
Ukraine USD 335 335 562
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 580
China CNY 30 000 4 395 7 371
Germany (Kfw) EUR 134 597 195 864 328 484
Japan JPY 5 071 851 56 362 94 524
Kuwait KWD 3 832 13 366 22 417
Netherlands EUR 8 156 11 869 19 905
United States USD 38 311 38 311 64 252
France EUR 4 099 5 964 10 002
Bonds 500 000 838 550
EuroBonds USD 500 000 500 000 838 550
Guaranteed 7 050 11 824
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 735 3 981 6 676
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 3 070 3 070 5 149
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 698 075 1 170 742
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 440 600 698 075 1 170 742
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.10.2009 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 2 628 351 4 413 002
Multilateral Creditors 1 562 736 2 623 833
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 730 243 1 161 013 1 949 341
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 29 792 29 792 50 021
European Community(EC) EUR 35 500 52 689 88 465
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 9 931 15 789 26 510
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 63 300 100 641 168 976
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 23 038 23 038 38 681
EUR 4 338 6 439 10 811
Asian Development Bank (ADB) SDR 109 023 173 335 291 030
Bilateral Creditors 558 486 937 698
Austria EUR 836 1 241 2 084
Azerbaijan USD 14 343 14 343 24 082
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 354
Turkey USD 35 972 35 972 60 397
Iran USD 11 236 11 236 18 865
Russia Federation USD 118 823 118 823 199 504
Armenia USD 17 216 17 216 28 906
Uzbekistan USD 367 367 617
Ukraine USD 335 335 563
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 633
China CNY 30 000 4 395 7 379
Germany (Kfw) EUR 135 290 200 797 337 138
Japan JPY 5 071 851 55 740 93 587
Kuwait KWD 3 832 13 416 22 525
Netherlands EUR 8 156 12 105 20 325
United States USD 37 553 37 553 63 052
France EUR 4 690 6 961 11 687
Bonds 500 000 839 500
EuroBonds USD 500 000 500 000 839 500
Guaranteed 7 130 11 971
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 735 4 060 6 817
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 3 070 3 070 5 154
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 699 079 1 173 754
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 439 700 699 079 1 173 754
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.11.2009 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 2 689 228 4 502 574
Multilateral Creditors 1 620 423 2 713 073
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 732 177 1 178 937 1 973 895
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 62 160 62 160 104 074
European Community(EC) EUR 35 500 52 956 88 665
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 10 165 16 367 27 403
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 63 300 101 924 170 652
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 20 478 20 478 34 286
EUR 4 374 6 525 10 925
Asian Development Bank (ADB) SDR 112 456 181 075 303 174
Bilateral Creditors 562 504 941 801
Austria EUR 836 1 247 2 089
Azerbaijan USD 14 343 14 343 24 015
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 353
Turkey USD 35 972 35 972 60 228
Iran USD 11 236 11 236 18 813
Russia Federation USD 118 823 118 823 198 945
Armenia USD 17 216 17 216 28 825
Uzbekistan USD 367 367 615
Ukraine USD 335 335 561
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 502
China CNY 30 000 4 394 7 357
Germany (Kfw) EUR 135 717 202 453 338 968
Japan JPY 5 071 851 58 732 98 335
Kuwait KWD 3 832 13 449 22 518
Netherlands EUR 8 156 12 167 20 371
United States USD 36 787 36 787 61 593
France EUR 4 690 6 996 11 714
Bonds 500 000 837 150
EuroBonds USD 500 000 500 000 837 150
Guaranteed 6 301 10 549
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 735 4 080 6 832
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 2 220 2 220 3 717
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 707 996 1 185 398
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 439 700 707 996 1 185 398
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.12.2009 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 2 694 395 4 542 210
Multilateral Creditors 1 631 380 2 750 180
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 734 836 1 151 994 1 942 032
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 99 966 99 966 168 523
European Community(EC) EUR 35 500 50 950 85 892
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 10 924 17 126 28 871
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 63 300 99 235 167 290
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 20 478 20 478 34 522
EUR 4 270 6 128 10 331
Asian Development Bank (ADB) SDR 118 328 185 502 312 719
Bilateral Creditors 556 953 938 912
Austria EUR 682 979 1 651
Azerbaijan USD 14 295 14 295 24 099
Turkmenistan USD 211 211 356
Turkey USD 35 888 35 888 60 499
Iran USD 11 189 11 189 18 862
Russia Federation USD 118 160 118 160 199 194
Armenia USD 17 100 17 100 28 827
Uzbekistan USD 361 361 609
Ukraine USD 330 330 556
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 821
China CNY 30 000 4 396 7 410
Germany (Kfw) EUR 137 786 197 753 333 372
Japan JPY 5 071 851 55 943 94 308
Kuwait KWD 5 273 18 406 31 029
Netherlands EUR 7 421 10 651 17 955
United States USD 36 787 36 787 62 016
France EUR 4 690 6 731 11 347
Bonds 500 000 842 900
EuroBonds USD 500 000 500 000 842 900
Guaranteed 6 062 10 219
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 677 3 842 6 476
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 2 220 2 220 3 743
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 687 119 1 158 344
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 438 300 687 119 1 158 344
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date

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