CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.12.2004 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1,592,374 2,906,083
Multilateral Creditors 803,129 1,465,710
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 437,453 677,610 1,236,639
European Community(EC) EUR 85,500 116,420 212,467
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 5,874 9,099 16,605
Bilateral Creditors 693,221 1,265,129
Austria EUR 73,588 100,200 182,864
Azerbaijan USD 16,190 16,190 29,546
Turkmenistan USD 157,093 157,093 286,694
Turkey USD 53,375 53,375 97,410
Iran USD 12,826 12,826 23,408
Russia Federation USD 153,191 153,191 279,574
Armenia USD 19,593 19,593 35,757
Uzbekistan USD 601 601 1,097
Ukraine USD 366 366 668
Kazakhstan USD 27,774 27,774 50,688
China CHF 3,821 3,370 6,151
Germany (Kfw) EUR 37,280 50,762 92,641
Japan JPY 4,591,507 44,255 80,765
Kuwait KWD 4,170 14,153 25,830
United States USD 39,472 39,472 72,036
Guaranteed 96,024 175,244
Germany (Kfw) EUR 45,761 62,309 113,715
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 33,715 33,715 61,529
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 265,284 484,143
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 171,263 265,284 484,143
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date

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