CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.12.2005 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1,501,685 2,691,771
Multilateral Creditors 789,568 1,415,301
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 473,082 678,740 1,216,641
European Community(EC) EUR 85,500 101,336 181,645
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 6,616 9,492 17,014
Bilateral Creditors 627,874 1,125,464
Austria EUR 73,344 86,929 155,820
Azerbaijan USD 16,152 16,152 28,952
Turkmenistan USD 100,994 100,994 181,031
Turkey USD 55,119 55,119 98,800
Iran USD 12,068 12,068 21,632
Russia Federation USD 150,463 150,463 269,705
Armenia USD 18,486 18,486 33,137
Uzbekistan USD 396 396 710
Ukraine USD 362 362 648
Kazakhstan USD 27,774 27,774 49,785
China CHF 3,821 2,911 5,218
Germany (Kfw) EUR 48,364 57,322 102,750
Japan JPY 4,923,902 42,001 75,287
Kuwait KWD 4,203 14,390 25,794
Netherlands EUR 765 907 1,625
United States USD 41,601 41,601 74,570
Guaranteed 84,244 151,007
Germany (Kfw) EUR 45,702 54,167 97,094
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 30,077 30,077 53,913
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 233,199 418,010
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 162,540 233,199 418,010
Note:Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date

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