CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.01.2007 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1 455 857 2 503 924
Multilateral Creditors 885 401 1 522 799
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 524 877 781 778 1 344 577
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 74 497 128 127
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 6 637 9 886 17 003
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 19 241 19 241 33 092
Bilateral Creditors 497 918 856 367
Austria EUR 1 507 1 953 3 359
Azerbaijan USD 14 527 14 527 24 984
Turkmenistan USD 41 083 41 083 70 658
Turkey USD 53 456 53 456 91 939
Iran USD 11 418 11 418 19 638
Russia Federation USD 143 772 143 772 247 274
Armenia USD 17 660 17 660 30 374
Uzbekistan USD 390 390 671
Ukraine USD 356 356 612
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 47 768
Germany (Kfw) EUR 63 785 82 640 142 132
Japan JPY 5 208 607 42 731 73 493
Kuwait KWD 4 200 14 529 24 989
Netherlands EUR 3 296 4 270 7 343
United States USD 41 359 41 359 71 133
Guaranteed 72 538 124 758
Germany (Kfw) EUR 45 467 58 906 101 313
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 13 631 13 631 23 445
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 232 660 400 151
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 156 205 232 660 400 151
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 28.02.2007 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1 461 942 2 504 311
Multilateral Creditors 897 024 1 536 605
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 527 409 791 757 1 356 282
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 76 062 130 295
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 6 637 9 964 17 069
European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) USD 19 241 19 241 32 959
Bilateral Creditors 548 389 939 392
Austria EUR 1 507 1 994 3 416
Azerbaijan USD 14 527 14 527 24 884
Turkmenistan USD 39 581 39 581 67 802
Turkey USD 50 596 50 596 86 671
Iran USD 11 418 11 418 19 559
Russia Federation USD 138 170 138 170 236 686
Armenia USD 17 660 17 660 30 252
Uzbekistan USD 390 390 668
Ukraine USD 356 356 610
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 47 577
Germany (Kfw) EUR 107 408 142 082 243 386
Japan JPY 5 208 607 43 596 74 680
Kuwait KWD 4 200 14 527 24 884
Netherlands EUR 3 296 4 359 7 468
United States USD 41 359 41 359 70 848
Guaranteed 16 529 28 314
Germany (Kfw) EUR 3 029 4 007 6 865
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 12 521 12 521 21 449
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 225 333 385 996
nternational Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 150 100 225 333 385 996
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.03.2007 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1 475 103 2 507 675
Multilateral Creditors 905 058 1 538 598
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 528 125 799 190 1 358 623
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 76 583 130 192
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 6 637 10 044 17 075
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 19 241 19 241 32 709
Bilateral Creditors 553 489 940 931
Austria EUR 1 507 2 008 3 413
Azerbaijan USD 14 527 14 527 24 695
Turkmenistan USD 39 581 39 581 67 288
Turkey USD 50 596 50 596 86 013
Iran USD 11 418 11 418 19 410
Russia Federation USD 138 170 138 170 234 890
Armenia USD 17 660 17 660 30 023
Uzbekistan USD 390 390 663
Ukraine USD 356 356 605
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 47 216
Germany (Kfw) EUR 109 693 146 098 248 367
Japan JPY 5 210 794 44 169 75 088
Kuwait KWD 4 200 14 519 24 682
Netherlands EUR 3 653 4 865 8 271
United States USD 41 358 41 358 70 308
Guaranteed 16 556 28 145
Germany (Kfw) EUR 3 029 4 035 6 859
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 12 521 12 521 21 286
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 246 964 419 839
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 163 200 246 964 419 839
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.04.2007 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1 489 494 2 517 245
Multilateral Creditors 915 319 1 546 889
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 529 652 807 682 1 364 983
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 78 275 132 285
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 6 637 10 122 17 105
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 19 241 19 241 32 517
Bilateral Creditors 557 530 942 226
Austria EUR 1 507 2 052 3 468
Azerbaijan USD 14 527 14 527 24 550
Turkmenistan USD 39 581 39 581 66 892
Turkey USD 50 596 50 596 85 507
Iran USD 11 418 11 418 19 296
Russia Federation USD 138 170 138 170 233 508
Armenia USD 17 660 17 660 29 846
Uzbekistan USD 390 390 659
Ukraine USD 356 356 602
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 938
Germany (Kfw) EUR 110 546 150 487 254 323
Japan JPY 5 210 794 43 660 73 785
Kuwait KWD 4 200 14 528 24 553
Netherlands EUR 3 653 4 973 8 404
United States USD 41 358 41 358 69 895
Guaranteed 16 645 28 131
Germany (Kfw) EUR 3 029 4 124 6 969
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 12 521 12 521 21 161
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 240 405 406 285
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 157 650 240 405 406 285
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.05.2007 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1 462 521 2 454 109
Multilateral Creditors 910 504 1 527 825
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 530 647 804 392 1 349 769
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 77 244 129 616
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 6 954 10 541 17 688
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 18 327 18 327 30 752
Bilateral Creditors 536 176 899 702
Austria EUR 1 507 2 025 3 398
Azerbaijan USD 14 527 14 527 24 376
Turkmenistan USD 24 427 24 427 40 988
Turkey USD 50 596 50 596 84 900
Iran USD 11 418 11 418 19 159
Russia Federation USD 132 568 132 568 222 449
Armenia USD 17 660 17 660 29 634
Uzbekistan USD 390 390 654
Ukraine USD 356 356 598
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 605
Germany (Kfw) EUR 111 851 150 258 252 133
Japan JPY 5 228 640 42 979 72 119
Kuwait KWD 4 200 14 559 24 430
Netherlands EUR 3 931 5 280 8 860
United States USD 41 358 41 358 69 398
Guaranteed 15 841 26 582
Germany (Kfw) EUR 3 029 4 070 6 829
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 11 772 11 772 19 753
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 237 613 398 714
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 156 750 237 613 398 714
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.06.2007 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1 464 869 2 445 606
Multilateral Creditors 915 609 1 528 614
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 532 226 805 551 1 344 871
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 77 338 129 116
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 6 954 10 525 17 572
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 22 195 22 195 37 055
Bilateral Creditors 533 493 890 669
Austria EUR 1 491 2 006 3 349
Azerbaijan USD 14 497 14 497 24 203
Turkmenistan USD 22 360 22 360 37 331
Turkey USD 50 543 50 543 84 382
Iran USD 11 388 11 388 19 013
Russia Federation USD 132 156 132 156 220 635
Armenia USD 17 588 17 588 29 364
Uzbekistan USD 386 386 645
Ukraine USD 353 353 589
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 369
Germany (Kfw) EUR 113 252 152 325 254 307
Japan JPY 5 232 887 42 386 70 764
Kuwait KWD 4 044 14 040 23 440
Netherlands EUR 3 220 4 331 7 231
United States USD 41 358 41 358 69 047
Guaranteed 15 767 26 323
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 971 3 995 6 670
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 11 772 11 772 19 653
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 237 249 396 088
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 156 750 237 249 396 088
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.07.2007 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1 505 939 2 511 907
Multilateral Creditors 950 128 1 584 813
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 547 529 837 675 1 397 242
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 78 556 131 031
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 6 954 10 639 17 746
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 23 258 23 258 38 794
Bilateral Creditors 540 134 900 943
Austria EUR 1 386 1 894 3 159
Azerbaijan USD 14 497 14 497 24 181
Turkmenistan USD 21 266 21 266 35 471
Turkey USD 50 543 50 543 84 306
Iran USD 11 388 11 388 18 996
Russia Federation USD 132 156 132 156 220 436
Armenia USD 17 588 17 588 29 337
Uzbekistan USD 386 386 644
Ukraine USD 353 353 588
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 327
Germany (Kfw) EUR 114 704 156 708 261 389
Japan JPY 5 311 867 44 648 74 472
Kuwait KWD 4 044 14 331 23 905
Netherlands EUR 3 838 5 244 8 746
United States USD 41 358 41 358 68 985
Guaranteed 15 678 26 151
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 971 4 058 6 769
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 11 619 11 619 19 381
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 238 438 397 715
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 155 850 238 438 397 715
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.08.2007 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1 506 367 2 504 335
Multilateral Creditors 959 047 1 594 415
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 552 098 846 151 1 406 726
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 78 401 130 341
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 6 954 10 658 17 719
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 23 837 23 837 39 630
Bilateral Creditors 532 761 885 715
Austria EUR 1 386 1 890 3 143
Azerbaijan USD 14 497 14 497 24 101
Turkmenistan USD 20 596 20 596 34 241
Turkey USD 47 683 47 683 79 274
Iran USD 11 388 11 388 18 933
Russia Federation USD 126 554 126 554 210 396
Armenia USD 17 588 17 588 29 240
Uzbekistan USD 386 386 642
Ukraine USD 353 353 586
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 174
Germany (Kfw) EUR 114 730 156 433 260 070
Japan JPY 5 316 105 46 046 76 552
Kuwait KWD 4 044 14 355 23 866
Netherlands EUR 4 297 5 859 9 740
United States USD 41 358 41 358 68 757
Guaranteed 14 560 24 206
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 971 4 050 6 734
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 10 509 10 509 17 472
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 229 501 381 545
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 149 745 229 501 381 545
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.09.2007 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1 525 991 2 530 092
Multilateral Creditors 977 884 1 621 332
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 554 012 860 276 1 426 337
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 81 454 135 050
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 6 954 10 798 17 903
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 25 356 25 356 42 041
Bilateral Creditors 533 389 884 359
Austria EUR 1 386 1 964 3 256
Azerbaijan USD 14 497 14 497 24 036
Turkmenistan USD 13 934 13 934 23 102
Turkey USD 47 683 47 683 79 059
Iran USD 11 388 11 388 18 882
Russia Federation USD 126 554 126 554 209 826
Armenia USD 17 588 17 588 29 161
Uzbekistan USD 386 386 640
Ukraine USD 353 353 585
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 46 049
Germany (Kfw) EUR 114 988 162 890 270 072
Japan JPY 5 316 105 46 107 76 446
Kuwait KWD 4 044 14 467 23 987
Netherlands EUR 4 550 6 446 10 687
United States USD 41 358 41 358 68 571
Guaranteed 14 717 24 401
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 971 4 208 6 977
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 10 509 10 509 17 424
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 252 867 419 254
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 162 845 252 867 419 254
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.10.2007 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1 540 411 2 499 325
Multilateral Creditors 993 219 1 611 503
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 558 266 873 557 1 417 351
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 82 846 134 418
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 7 220 11 298 18 332
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 25 517 25 517 41 402
Bilateral Creditors 532 403 863 827
Austria EUR 1 386 1 997 3 241
Azerbaijan USD 14 497 14 497 23 521
Turkmenistan USD 9 351 9 351 15 172
Turkey USD 47 683 47 683 77 367
Iran USD 11 388 11 388 18 478
Russia Federation USD 126 554 126 554 205 334
Armenia USD 17 588 17 588 28 537
Uzbekistan USD 386 386 627
Ukraine USD 353 353 572
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 45 063
Germany (Kfw) EUR 115 108 165 848 269 089
Japan JPY 5 362 414 46 707 75 782
Kuwait KWD 4 044 14 599 23 687
Netherlands EUR 4 912 7 078 11 483
United States USD 40 600 40 600 65 873
Guaranteed 14 789 23 996
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 971 4 280 6 944
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 10 509 10 509 17 051
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 250 473 406 393
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 160 070 250 473 406 393
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 30.11.2007 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1 557 232 2 524 273
Multilateral Creditors 1 012 977 1 642 036
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 561 247 892 421 1 446 615
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 84 824 137 500
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 7 149 11 367 18 425
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 24 365 24 365 39 496
Bilateral Creditors 530 113 859 313
Austria EUR 1 386 2 045 3 315
Azerbaijan USD 14 497 14 497 23 499
Turkmenistan USD 6 689 6 689 10 842
Turkey USD 47 683 47 683 77 295
Iran USD 11 388 11 388 18 461
Russia Federation USD 120 952 120 952 196 063
Armenia USD 17 588 17 588 28 511
Uzbekistan USD 386 386 626
Ukraine USD 353 353 572
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 45 022
Germany (Kfw) EUR 115 244 170 008 275 582
Japan JPY 5 382 872 48 914 79 290
Kuwait KWD 4 044 14 755 23 918
Netherlands EUR 4 912 7 247 11 747
United States USD 39 834 39 834 64 571
Guaranteed 14 142 22 924
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 971 4 382 7 104
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 9 760 9 760 15 820
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 253 091 410 261
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 159 170 253 091 410 261
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date
CREDITORS CURRENCY External Public Debt Stock
as of 31.12.2007 (thousand)
in Credit
in USD in GEL
Government External Debt 1 540 587 2 451 998
Multilateral Creditors 1 003 590 1 597 314
International Development Association (IDA) SDR 563 697 883 465 1 406 123
European Community(EC) EUR 57 500 84 230 134 061
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) SDR 7 149 11 204 17 832
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 24 691 24 691 39 298
Bilateral Creditors 522 972 832 362
Austria EUR 1 259 1 844 2 935
Azerbaijan USD 14 464 14 464 23 021
Turkmenistan USD 4 654 4 654 7 407
Turkey USD 47 625 47 625 75 800
Iran USD 11 356 11 356 18 074
Russia Federation USD 120 495 120 495 191 779
Armenia USD 17 508 17 508 27 866
Uzbekistan USD 382 382 608
Ukraine USD 349 349 555
Kazakhstan USD 27 774 27 774 44 205
Germany (Kfw) EUR 115 090 168 593 268 333
Japan JPY 5 397 154 47 712 75 938
Kuwait KWD 3 888 14 227 22 643
Netherlands EUR 4 202 6 155 9 797
United States USD 39 835 39 835 63 401
Guaranteed 14 025 22 322
Germany (Kfw) EUR 2 912 4 265 6 789
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) USD 9 760 9 760 15 533
External Debt of National of Bank of Georgia 249 462 397 044
International Monetary Fund (IMF) SDR 159 170 249 462 397 044
Note: Exchange rates in the table are as of the given date

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