Revenue Service functions/coordination within the new course of “Legal Simple and Reliable Tax System”;

Holding the office, entrepreneur liquidation/reorganization and post auditing;
Monitoring, analyses and determination of the criteria of automatized risks management system;
Processing and analysing of the tax information and export-import operations obtained from the authorities of foreign countries;

Control on crossing of economic boundary and supervision of crossing Georgian boundaries and freight registration;
Taking previous decisions in order to determine HS codes and countries of origin (monitoring, control, analyse, expertise, issuing of certificates of origin or other permits regarding the case); Accept and cancel a person in data automatized system ASYCUDA within the competency;

Control and supervision of crossing economic boundaries, also register and control of the goods and transport facilities subordinated on the public supervision.
Providing public phytosanitary and veterinary safety events.
Identification of the persons who moves cash, cheques and other assets subject to the monitoring;

Payments administration
Provide a Payer with service.
Payment marks for excise marks, tax pro-forma invoice, playing business fees; granting, cancel and introduction of amendments in gambling business license, charity organization status, “Golden List” participant status, “Grant” and “Humanitarian Supplies” status;

Prevention the elude tax payment and tax frauds and ensuring protection of Georgian tax legislation by payers;
Control on the payer’s activity (use of cash-register machine, execution of the conditions for permits by the owners of gambling and other playing business permits and so on).
Tax and administrative violations records management.

  • Public Relations and Marketing Department
  • Foreign Relations Department
  • Human Resources Department
  • Center of Information Technologies
  • Administrative Department
  • Legal Department
  • Disputes Discussion Department
  • Audit Unit
  • Service Department
  • Tax Prevention Department
  • Registration department
  • Department for Protection of Economic Border